Best Practices in Project Management for Nuclear Engineers

Calling all Nuclear Engineers and Scientists! Join PTAG this fall for the online course through Ontario Tech University on Best Practices in Project Management.

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Non-conformances are problems that have been found and need be addressed. They can be found anywhere – in a product, in service delivery, in work execution, in a process or even in the Quality Management System itself.

PTAG Presentation on I2PD for the Ontario Power Generation (OPG) Conference hosted by OCNI

In this webinar recap, join Bruce Burwell as he presents at the Ontario Power Generation (OPG) Conference hosted by OCNI on Industrial Integrated Project Delivery (I2PD). I2PD is defined as the balancing of nine principles to promote team collaboration and integration of work processes and systems. COMMERCIAL IPD -Collaboration Principles 1.Continuous Communication and Issue Resolution Process […]

PTAG Presentation for OPG on Force Majeure Management at the OCNI Conference

PTAG’s Managing Director, Michael Dubreuil, presented today on Force Majeure Management – During COVID-19 Pandemic Recovery at the OCNI Virtual Conference for Ontario Power Generation (OPG). The New Normal requires “new ways” of operating that requires all parties; Owners, Consultants, Contractors, Engineers, and Equipment Suppliers to find new and innovative ways of optimizing cost and […]

Improvement Program to 900 MW Generation Station to an effective MOL/CSA Z460 Lockout Compliant Construction Site

PTAG’s TEAM of seven SMEs delivered the expertise and the process models and implemented a compliant program designed to meet the needs of the MOL/CSA-Z460-13 Standard. The Program was tailored to work within site constraints and implemented successfully with the personnel on site.

Advanced Work Packaging

Advanced Work Packaging is the process of defining project scope into manageable work packages early in the project lifecycle to ensure efficient execution of the project.

Owner Construction Management Performance Improvement Program

PTAG’s Advisory TEAM performed a two-week assessed reviewing contract documents, execution plans, supplier agreements, procurement schedules project, organization structure, estimates, budgets, schedules, craft productivity and safety plans and performance.

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Risk Management and Risk Mitigation

This 1-Page summary gives you a downloadable quick Reference Guide of the fundamentals of project risk management and mitigation.

I2PD, a delivery model for quickly planning and executing capital projects

Join Bruce Burwell and Michael Dubreuil 1pm EDT, August 11th, 2020 for a brief online seminar to learn about Integrated Industrial Project Delivery (I2PD).