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2022 CII Annual Conference

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PTAG is proud to be the Silver Sponsor for this years CII Annual Conference in Cleveland

Visit PTAG in the Exhibitor Showcase

Take in Michael Dubreuil’s panel on Collaborative Contracting

All relevant collaborative contracting strategies (I2PD, IPD, and Alliancing to name a few) have adopted early supplier engagement as one of their fundamental methods to improve project performance. You won’t want to miss this expert panel discussion on the importance of early supplier engagement and the adoption of innovative technical improvements. Experience a conversation between the industry’s leading service and solutions providers about how to be successful at proactive engagement with your supply chain.

Register now to participate.

Moderated by
  Michael Dubreuil  
Michael Dubreuil
Chief Executive Officer
PTAG, Inc.


  Keith Churchill    
Keith Churchill
Chief Innovation Officer
Bechtel Corporation

Ashuhan Dogan  
Ashuhan Dogan
Global Product Manager – Sustainability Strategy and Marketing
Hilti Corporation

Jeff Houtz    
Jeff Houtz
Supply Chain Manager
Wood Group
Shannon DaCosta
Shannon DaCosta
Advanced Work Packaging Canada Regional Manager
Fluor Corporation
Ernie Maschner 
Ernie Maschner
Vice President of Global Water
Victaulic Company

  Paul Vranesic    
Paul Vranesic
Project Director, Northeast Water Purification Plant
Houston Waterworks Team

Register now to join us in Cleveland in less than two weeks!

If you’ve already registered, be sure to download the conference app and get ready to learn.

2022 CII Annual Conference

August 1-3, 2022  •  Cleveland, Ohio

Get to know PTAG’s speaker:

Michael’s Profile

PTAG Presentation for CURT® Lean Project Delivery Summit on 2021, May 3rd on Industrial IPD (I2PD) Application vs Traditional IPD Approach

Bruce Burwell, PTAG’s Partner for Capital Projects, was honoured to present today on Industrial IPD Application vs Traditional IPD Approach at the Construction Users Roundtable CURT® Lean Project Delivery Summit. He was also one of the panelists for the Panel Discussion on IPD Approaches and Components. This direct and to-the-point presentation talks about the difference in approaches of Traditional and Collaborative contracting strategies, the evolution of I2DP, its usage, and its implementation.

This presentation was originally presented at CURT Lean Project Delivery Summit on May 3rd, 2021.

Interested in downloading the slide deck? Click here for Direct Download

Industrial Integrated Project Delivery (I2PD) is an approach of balancing nine principles to promote team collaboration and integration of work processes and systems to optimize project outcomes.

COMMERCIAL IPD – Collaboration Principles

1. Continuous Communication and Issue Resolution Process

2. Jointly Developed and Validated Targets

3. Access to Shared Information Systems

4. Early Involvement of Stakeholders

5. Collaborative and Equitable Decision Making

ALLIANCING – Integration Principles

6. Financial Transparency among Key Participants

7. Shared Risk and Reward

8. Relational Contracting, Multi-party Agreement

9. Negotiated Risk Distribution

How the traditional and Collaborative contracting strategies differ in their approach:

Traditional ContractingCollaborative Contracting
Start the project like last time but hope for better resultsBuild better. Set project goals with the project team.
Each trade does their own thingDeveloped by the team. Adjusted daily by the last planners.
Always looking for the lowest bidderBuild a team very early. Use it to drive success.
Expect some delays and overages.On-time. On Budget. What the client needed.

Commercial IPD has been proven to have a superior performance in metrics related to quality, communication, and change performance. Some of the noted benefits of I2PD:

  • Optimum & Faster designs
  • Integrated and accelerated execution
  • Improved cost certainty
  • Improved schedule certainty

In the COVID-19 times, I2PD is a good approach for quickly planning and executing capital projects as government and industry relaunch the global economy.

To learn more please contact us.

Interested in downloading the slide deck? Click here for Direct Download.

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Originally recorded: May 3rd, 2021

Get to know PTAG’s speaker:

For more information on CURT please visit them at https://www.curt.org/.

PTAG Presentation for CURT® Lean Project Delivery Summit on 2021, May 3rd on CII Research: Case Study – Lean management principles & their impact on successful project delivery

Bruce Burwell, PTAG’s Partner for Capital Projects, presented a session on Case Study – Lean management principles & their impact on successful project delivery at CURT Lean Project Delivery Summit. This in-depth presentation offers a good understanding of I2PD with the help of a case study and researched data.

This presentation was originally presented at CURT Lean Project Delivery Summit on May 3rd, 2021.

Interested in downloading the slide deck? Click here for Direct Download.

Presentation’s agenda:

Overview of PTAG’s Case Study – Collaborative Contracting Schedule, Cost and Scope Improvement Using Industrial Integrated Project Delivery – I2PD

Refer the presentation for the in-depth details of this case study where we discuss the goals, obstacles, solution, process, and results.

If you would like to learn more about I2PD please contact us.

Interested in downloading the slide deck? Click here for Direct Download.

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Originally Recorded: May 3rd, 2021

Get to know PTAG’s speaker:

For more information on CURT please visit them at https://www.curt.org/.

Video Recap – Canadian Institute of Mining’s CIM Virtual Convention 2021, May 3rd: The Importance of Front-End Planning and Leveraging Industry Best Practices to Minimize Project Risk

Watch this video recap, as Feroz Ashraf, PTAG’s Executive Advisor for Capital Projects, presents this direct and to the point session providing practical and validated examples on “The Importance of Front-End Planning and Leveraging Industry Best Practices to Minimize Project Risk” at CIM 2021.

This is the video recording of the presentation which was originally presented at the Canadian Institute of Mining’s Annual Virtual Convention CIM 2021 on May 3rd, 2021.

Globally, including North America, most capital and sustaining projects have been impacted by COVID and resulting economic slowdown. Projects are also experiencing significant productivity impacts due to the new normal COVID working conditions, as well as increasing emphasis on safety, security, and regulatory compliance.

Due to budget cuts, project and construction teams have been reduced by 30% or more. Across the board, our industry is also seeing increases in material and equipment costs due to COVID with commodity price volatility and supply/demand uncertainty presenting additional challenges.

To mitigate these issues the project team must further increase the use of the Front-End Planning process, deploy industry best practices, conduct extensive value engineering exercises, as well as thorough internal and external risk assessment process. In doing so, the Construction Industry Institute (CII) has established through its industry research that a significant saving can be achieved and gain in productivity:

Interested in downloading the slide deck? Click here for Direct Download.

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Find out more about the event here: The Experience (cim.org)

Get to know our speakers:

Video Recap – Canadian Institute of Mining’s CIM Virtual Convention 2021, May 3rd: How to Plan and Execute Capital Projects in Volatile and Uncertain Times

Watch this video recap, as Feroz Ashraf, PTAG’s Executive Advisor for Capital Projects, presents this direct and to-the-point session on “How to Plan and Execute Capital Projects in Volatile and Uncertain Times” at CIM 2021.

This is the recap video recording of the presentation which was originally presented at the Canadian Institute of Mining’s Annual Virtual Convention CIM 2021 on May 3rd, 2021.

Globally, including North America, most capital and sustaining projects have been impacted by COVID-19 and the resulting economic slowdown. Projects are also experiencing significant productivity impacts due to the new normal COVID working conditions, as well as increasing emphasis on safety, security, and regulatory compliance.

The presentation focuses on below key areas:

Interested in downloading the slide deck? Click here for Direct Download.

[3d-flip-book id=”1413″ ][/3d-flip-book]

Find out more about the event here: The Experience (cim.org)

Get to know our speakers:

Canadian Institute of Mining Annual Virtual Convention CIM 2021

PTAG’s, Feroz Ashraf has been invited by Canadian Institute of Mining to present at their upcoming May 3rd virtual annual convention CIM 2021 on two topics: “The Importance of Front-End Planning and Leveraging Industry Best Practices to Minimize Project Risk” and “How to Plan and Execute Capital Projects in Volatile and Uncertain Times.”

Feroz will walk you through a direct and to-the-point presentation providing practical step-by-step approaches and validated examples. You will get a chance to engage with Feroz in the post-presentation Q&A session and to network with him at this virtual convention. This four-day event will have many thought leaders and keynote speakers presenting CIM community’s best content.

The presentations will focus on below key areas:

  • Challenges faced by the Mining Industry during Covid-19 and in general.
  • Top reasons why projects go off-track.
  • Front-End Planning – what, why, how? and Leveraging Industry Best Practices.
  • Rigorous staged-gate process to minimize project risks.
  • Learn how and when to use Construction Industry Institute (CII) Front-End Planning tools, such as the Project Definition Rating Index (PDRI) to determine the “state of readiness” and “maturity level” of your project to assure better outcomes.
  • Review how to assess the Project Complexity Index and Maturity Levels– and to adapt the Execution Plan accordingly to optimize the contracting strategy and minimize execution risk.
  • Determine why Initial Project Set-up and a focussed List of Deliverables are important for team alignment.
  • Review why consistent Project Controls and Risk Analysis methodology is critical.
  • Learn how a simplified, interactive Project Management & Project Controls Handbook – is a key to Project Management and Delivery Success.
  • Look into Integrated Project Management Structure and Systems – I2PD for enhanced risk-sharing and collaboration.
  • Understand why an Integrated Project Execution Plan (IPEP) is a roadmap to success.

Find out more about the event here: The Experience (cim.org)

CII Contract Strategy Virtual Summit – 2021, June 28th and the 29th

Our thought leaders Bruce Burwell & Michael Dubreuil will be featured subject matter experts on June 28th and the 29th as the Construction Industry Institute (CII) present their first-ever Contract Strategy Virtual Summit, focused on exploration of – and recommendations around – traditional and collaborative contracting models for the construction project owner and their contractors and suppliers.

Find out more here: http://go.cii.today/contractsummit

Webinar Recap – Mar 30th: Using Technology and Industry Best Practices to Achieve Real-time Progressing

Listen in to this video recap, as Bob Brown, PTAG’s Partner for Project Management Information Systems, delivers this direct and to the point session providing practical and validated examples pertinent to Using Technology and Industry Best Practices to Achieve Real-time Progressing.

This is the recap video recording of the webinar which was originally recorded on March 30, 2021.

For more Session detail, please visit:

Projects across every industry are shifting towards digital data collection to provide real-time information. The global pandemic has increased this need and pushed for rapid adoption.

Careful data analysis is crucial for projects to truly understand performance. But the analysis is only as good as the data that is in the system. If a project is dealing with a two-day delay before paper reports are entered into a system, they are not making informed decisions. When a project manager leverages technology to capture data at the workface, they have the ability to address problems before they arise. This insight is increasingly valuable when coupled with analytical benchmarking, which allows projects to compare themselves with their peers and competitors.

Bob discusses how leveraging technology and best practices lead to faster decision making and project performance improvement. Addressing data collection at the workface, using systems to provide meaningful insights, dealing with multiple shifts data, mitigating COVID-19 impacts, and reducing rework.

Join PTAG to discuss how leveraging technology and best practices lead to faster decision making and project performance improvement.
  • Addressing data collection at the workface
  • Systems to provide meaningful insights
  • Dealing with multiple shifts data
  • Mitigating COVID-19 impacts
  • Reducing rework

Interested in downloading the slide deck? Click here for Direct Download

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Video Recap – Nov 19th encore webinar Force Majeure Management with updated content.

PTAG’s Managing Director, Michael Dubreuil, will present an updated, encore webinar on Force Majeure ManagementDuring COVID-19 Pandemic Recovery.
[originally recorded November 19, 2020]

The New Normal requires “new ways” of operating that requires all parties; Owners, Consultants, Contractors, Engineers, and Equipment Suppliers to find new and innovative ways of optimizing cost and schedule to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 and work towards a sustainable recovery.

Excusing a party from its contractual obligations for a force majeure event is the exception. “Contract liability is strict liability. It is an accepted maxim that pacta sunt servanda, contracts are to be kept.

This discussion explores three fundamental methods to help ensure that as projects resume – the threats to safety, quality schedule and cost are minimized and opportunities for improvements in each of these core areas are explored and realized.

These methods are:

Get to know our speakers:

Video Recap – Nov 17th Webinar – How to Plan and Execute Capital Projects in Volatile and Uncertain times.

November 17th, 2020
10am PST / 11am MST / 12 noon CST / 1pm EST

Join PTAG’s Gulf Coast General Manager Steven K. Hillyard, and principals Feroz Ashraf and Michael Dubreuil for a special 90min webinar on How to plan and execute Capital Projects in volatile and uncertain times. This extended 90min webinar will be direct and to the point providing practical and validated examples pertinent to planning and restarting your capital projects.

Throughout the United States and Canada, most capital project budgets have been cut. With few exceptions, no region has gone untouched by the impact that COVID has had on those of us working on capital projects.

The need to maintain existing facilities still exists. Capital spend is still needed to maintain operability, safety, and capacity. Commodity demand is still increasing.

Project teams have been reduced by 30% or more. Across the board our clients are seeing increases in material and equipment costs due to COVID, with continued commodity price volatility driving new behaviours.

Projects are experiencing significant productivity impacts due to the new normal COVID working conditions, as well as increasing pressure and social license related to climate change.

Our panel of seasoned capital project practitioners will walk through these issues with practical step by step approaches and strategies covering delivery models, best practices in detail for both the Planning and Execution phases of new projects and refurbishments.

Our webinar sessions are part of PTAG’s ongoing webinar series on Best Practises in Project Management & Project Controls. PTAG works with sustaining and capital projects owners around the world and is passionate about ensuring the successful delivery of every project, especially in today’s volatile and uncertain conditions.

Please register for access to post webinar session video and Q&A even if you will not be able to attend on our schedule date.

Get to know our speakers: